Wes Montgomery was reunited with his brothers Monk and Buddy on this 1961 Riverside session, which also features drummer Bobby Thomas. The guitarist and his brothers are in great form throughout the session in spite of the less-than-ideal piano provided. According to producer Orrin Keepnews, Buddy Montgomery originally intended to split his time on the date between vibes and piano, but the failure of the motor on the former instrument caused him to spend most of his time at the keyboard.
The highlight of the evening in the studio is a foot-tapping version of Carl Perkins' "Groove Yard," followed closely by a wild ride through Harold Land's "Delirium." The leader contributed the soulful hard bop work "Doujie." The pianist wrote the driving "Just for Now" and the easygoing blues "Back to Bock." Like most of Wes Montgomery's Riverside recordings, this release is an essential part of his discography and is highly recommended.